• Lapis Lazuli Storyboard Ratings

    Where are all the Lapis fans at? This post goes out to you! ocdamethyst makes a great in-depth analysis of how all the crew members draw Li'l Lappy!

    my lapis storyboard ratings

    katie mitroff


    a pure, gorgeous lapis. beautiful eyes & flawless hair. 11/10

    lauren zuke


    absolute perfection. the ultimate fluffy hair & cute tired eyes. 12/10 good lapis

    hilary florido


    again, perfection. the hair is also fluffy & on point. i lvoe my blue daughter 10/10

    joe johnston


    big gorgeous eyes… fuck… im gay… 10/10 

    lamar abrams


    THE BIG!!!!!!!! HAIR!!!!!!!!!! 10/10 GOTTA LOVE THAT LAPIS

    kate morris (i think)


    im still a sucker for the big fluff hair look 12/10 

    this is all i know but every lapis is a good one 

    Twitter: Emerald