What's lovely about fusions is that there are all sorts of forms we can imagine if one happens! Got to admit this rendition of a Pearl and Peridot fusion is pretty cool!
The art around here has really been picking up! I thought it would take some time till these features became pretty regular things and here we are already on our 6th! I'm sure things will slow down now that the Steven Bomb is over, but let's enjoy the aftermath while it lasts.
I couldn't quite find the right picture for this post so have an Amethyst trying to act cute!
We've gotten quite a few podcasts talking about the recent Steven Bomb and while I would usually put those in the Roundups here but we haven't had enough for a Roundup yet. So for today at least, check on after the break for some discussion on the episodes this week!
I guess it was inevitable that a Flappy Bird version of Peridot flying around would be made. If you've got some time to spare, check it out at the link down below!
Got a fun little quiz for you guys this morning: What Gem Are You? Are you Lapis, Garnet, maybe Pearl? Just follow the link below and enter your answers.