Happy National Napping Day! Little Ursa here and I can tell you that I would be just like Lapis and Amethyst right there. Doing nothing but sleeping today. Sure, they don't need it, but they like doing it. You think Amethyst has always been into taking naps? What about Lapis? Do you think Amethyst introduced her into the joys of sleep? -
Lars doesn't get enough appreciation and love! Yeah, he can be obnoxious in the show. But if you take a deep analytical look at Lars, there's a lot more to him than just pushing Steven around. He wants to fit in with the cool kids, he's very concerned about being left out. His own fears are often what cause him to lash out or act in certain ways. Maybe he was bullied as a kid. We don't know a whole lot about him. But being insecure about yourself is a really common teenage thing, and those feelings are handled differently by different people. So, maybe we should all take a step back and appreciate Lars a little more.
Share This!Fan Theory: Why Do People Hate Lars?2017-03-13T16:00:00-07:00EmeraldAnalysis|Community|Fan Theory|Comments -
Hope you have your sin counter handy! What do you think? Were there any sins in this episode that were missed?Share This!Everything Wrong With Lars and the Cool Kids in 3 Minutes or Less2017-03-13T14:00:00-07:00EmeraldAnalysis|Everything Wrong With|Media|Comments
If you think about how soldiers in armed forces around the world, how do you think they are treated? Are they well-respected and cared for, or is it more like they are merely numbers in a sea of faces? Now, let's think about Gem soldiers from Homeworld and how they are treated. My own theory? Disposable, replaceable, worthless. But hey, maybe I'm wrong.
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