We put a call out several months ago looking for some new members to join the team. Well, it's that time again! The community continues to grow, and there's a lot of content to handle for our small group. Being on the Beach City Bugle team is such a wonderful experience. It's a great way to dive head first into the community, and keep up to date on all the latest SU news! (Plus, we've been snagging some sweet Press passes for cons with SU guests.) There are so many exciting things happening with the site, and we want to continue to improve it and bring you all the best SU fandom experience possible! 12 million views and almost 2 years old! Check us out!
If you'd like to join us in the Gemtlemen's Club, please send us an email with your name, age, at least two sample posts (a general content post and a nightly discussion post, so we can get a feel for your writing), and why you think you'd make a great addition to the team! We may ask some followup questions, but we're just looking for basic info for now. Please title your email, 'Join the Team!'
All interested parties should email beachcitybugle@gmail.com! Please be at least 18 years of age.