Good evening, ladies and gems! Little Ursa here with your Nightly Discussion and an image I totes forgot I had! This image was the last page in the very first Steven Universe zine (bonus points of you know Korean). I am sad to say that I was not lucky enough to get one, but I did run into someone who did get it (via eBay if I'm correct) and he was kind enough to let me take pictures of them all. What I want to ask you all is how do you think Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl first handled Rose being gone? Can't imagine it was easy for any of them. -
Move over Lapidot! Pearlmethyst in the house! And that's not just because the two voices actresses are hanging out together... Pearl's VA just put out a tweet using the ship name as a hashtag! Seriously though, it's really awesome to see the VA's hanging out outside of the show. They always look like they're having so much fun, and a strong friendship no doubt helps solidify their in show relationship. So here, have a quick day in the life of Deedee and Michaela!Share This!candy store dance fest SEQUEL : Deedee Magno Hall & Michaela Dietz Giant Woman2017-03-12T16:00:00-07:00EmeraldCrewniverse|Deedee Magno Hall|Michaela Dietz|News|SU Crew|Comments
Hello and welcome back to that weekly article that lets you look deeper into the voices behind your favorite characters. That's right, it's time for "Hey, It's That Voice!" Today, we will be looking at the voice behind the mayor of Beach City, Mayor Bill Dewey!
Share This!Hey, It's That Voice! #31: Joel Hodgson2017-03-12T14:00:00-07:00Little UrsaCrewniverse|It's That Voice|Joel Hodgson|SU Crew|Voice Actor|Comments -
[Adventure] [Comedy] [Crossover]
Author: ToonfreakDescription: Yellow Diamond and her Pearl have brought along a Ruby soldier to the Galactic Council meeting. The debate? A discussion that will determine the fate of that miserable planet-Earth.
Aliens With Trapper Hatsat 10:00 AM
Labels: Adventure, Author: toonfreak, Comedy, Crossover, Incomplete, Story, Yellow Diamond, Yellow PearlShare This!Story: Aliens With Trapper Hats2017-03-12T10:00:00-07:00DaveAdventure|Author: toonfreak|Comedy|Crossover|Incomplete|Story|Yellow Diamond|Yellow Pearl|Comments
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