Hey hey everyone! One discussion away from the big #100! How is everyone doing today? Emerald is heading off to Rose City Comicon, so try not to explode the forum while she's away! Have a great chat tonight!
Here's an article iDigitalTimes just put out! This article was a great read, and talked about the parallel's between 'Sadie's Song' and 'Nightmare Hospital'. The article speculates on the future of the show, and about the lessons that were learned in the latest two episodes. Be sure to give the article below a read, and remember, don't just talk at your kids, be sure to listen and communicate with them as well!
This was a great episode! This makes two episodes in a row that we've gotten mom's learning lessons, and no sign of Garnet, Amethyst, or Pearl! What the heck have the Crystal Gems been up to without Steven? Well, time for another episode followup!