We did it! It's been 47 and 514 posts, but here we are at a million hits! We couldn't have reached such a number without our followers. Everyone who reads, reposts, or links to us is important. I wasn't with Calpain when he started this site, but I've jumped headfirst into helping when needed.
It originally took 29 days to reach the first 500,000. This time around, about 18 days was the time it took. This site is really taking off, and that's super cool! We've grown by 40 Facebook followers, although Twitter has only grown by 22. Still, pretty good numbers!
Thanks to everyone that submits things to us. We totally appreciate it, and wouldn't be able to keep this place fueled without community involvement. The Nightly Discussions seem to be picking up a bit, even during the hiatus. I love hanging out with you guys in the comments, and getting feedback on posts. Check out some stats about the site below!
Stay cool,
Emerald and the BCB Crew
Calpain put these up last time, so I'm trying to follow suit. Wow, what happened on the 27th to give us that spike? I think it's that 'Peridot's Sexuality' video. Like, that's been really popular lately. I made it at 3am as a joke post, but it's been topping the Popular Posts section for the last two days.
Woo, a million pageviews!
Here's the most popular post this week! Yep, it's the one I just mentioned above. Leading by 800 hits, wow!
The most popular post of all time is the Cry For Help and Keystone Motel plots leaking. Really? That's what you guys like to see? I guess everyone was really hyped for Steven Bomb 3, because the next most popular post is when the Sardonyx voice actress was revealed. Actually all of these have to do with the 3rd Steven Bomb. Wow, the top post last time is now the #4 most popular. It got topped really quickly, and by over 5000 hits! Dang!
The majority of hits still comes from EquestriaDaily, but it looks like Google will be catching up soon! Oh, we get hits from the Wikia? Do we have a page there?
Well, thanks for joining all of us on this ride! The SU train isn't stopping any time soon, and we're going to ride it all the way! Keep hanging with us, sharing the site, sending in your creative works, and chatting in the comments! We'll see you around!
Twitter: Emerald