• Yellow Diamond Wig Tutorial

    Have you been wanting to cosplay the big Yellow D? Not sure where to get started on her awesome hair? Wonder no more! commanderfantasy has a great tutorial on how to get your wig just right!

    I got a lot of people that asked me how I did this wig when I debuted it this year at Anime Boston! It’s an alternative wig-based method to the way @pumpkinetics​ made their gorgeous wig helmet and I promised I would show how I did it once I got back to almost everyone at the convention that spoke to me.
    What you will need:
    • Malinda Wig and 2x Short wig wefts (Arda Wigs)
    • Aleene’s Tacky and Clear Craft glue
    • Stiff Craft Felt (Yellow)
    • Sewing Machine with zig-zag stitch
    • A manual toothbrush 
    • Scissors
    • hairspray (got2b)
    • hairdryer
    • Optional: Wig head
    First things first: This is my second adventure in really styling a wig, and the first was just doing spikes for a gemsona wigIf I can do it, you can too.
    Once your have your Malinda and your wefts, the first thing you are going to want to do is size up how you want to make those two prominent spikes.
    Make them first with paper and compare it to the wig so you can adjust this to look exactly as you want. Next, you will sew these together using craft felt. Craft Felt, I feel, is a better alternative to paper as other spike tutorials will show you for this iteration. It won’t warp, and the fiber helps the glue hold better.

    Use the toothbrush dunked in a combination of water and the regular white tacky glue and brush it through the weft. This is important as it is going to keep your weft and your sanity uniform. Once it is all uniform, flip the toothbrush over and use the back of the head to flatten the weft out. Use a generous amount of glue directly on the felt and then attach the now damp (do not use too much of this water and glue mix) to the felt. Hairdry it dry, trim it with a couple cm of allowance.
    Your shape will likely not all uniformly come to a point on The Spike. At your own digression, use your scissors to trim the shorter, remaining parts of the weft you have used to fill in these gaps. Cover the entire weft.
    Attach the Pomp to the front of the wig. Make sure it is center. You will be hand sewing this part. Friar Tuck the wig down to the point of it being near where the top of the Pomp begins with a seam ripper. Be careful not to rip the wig cap. It is the entire reason you got this wig so that you can attach the spike to it rather than the elastics of normal wigs. Use a little remainder of the wig to initially hide the seam.
    Now you are going to attach The Spike. Use vertical stitches as you hand stitch it into the cover to make it uniform with the hair and hide the stitches.
    Make the Sideburns. cover both sides of a piece of felt and use as much clear glue on the hard edge as you want. To help make this dry flatter, press it between a book with parchment paper, but periodically and CAREFULLY check on it so it does not set on the book. Attach these where the temple is, close to the edge of the Pomp and The Spike’s now 90 degree angle.
    Glue a second layer of weft to the spike. This is going to cover the seam of where the hair ends and felt meet the actual hair. Try to use up as much of those two wefts as possible. If you run out (HINT: I DID), use the long hair from the bottom of the wig. You do not have to go all the way up to the tip, but if you have enough weft left and want to, feel free! Use the toothbrush to guide the second weft layer over the first one without disturbing the lower layer. Follow the flow of your already glued wefts. Yes it will be a strong enough bond to glue together if you got the brand I got. I ran out midway and instead used Scotch clear glue pen from Target and it worked just as well. When you are done, let it dry on its own for a full day and take a break.
    Use a heating source of our own choice to bend some wefts to a 90 degree angle and glue them to the Spike and the Pomp. Use this as an opportunity to iron out any bumps on the wig.
    Moving on, you will now begin to style the bottom of the hair. This is where you will be using your dryer and hair spray. Lay the wig forward a little. From the back, trim the wig if you haven’t already and part it into two different directions. Style your wig so all of the wefts point towards the sideburns and increase the thickness of the sideburns. If you need to, use some glue on the tips of the locks to make sure they stay where you need them. To make this wig work with my direction, putting the wig head on a dowel and having it face the floor worked really well for me.
    LAST STEP: try the wig on. You will notice that the front Pomp is uncomfortable in certain areas. Trim it, try it on again. Trim it until it is very comfortable or you will be sporting a V shaped mark by the end of the con. Test wear it for an hour or so. Two hours. Doesn’t matter, test trim and wear until it is comfortable and you get the hang of putting it on.
    And you’re done!

    Twitter: Emerald