• Buddy's Book Episode Analysis

    Here's a quick recap of all the important info stuffed into the episode 'Buddy's Book'!

    Such a cute and light hearted episode! I love any episode with Connie.


    What we learned:

    • Stevens never been to a library
    • Connie is going into 7th grade
    • JAMIES BACK! It’s cute the kids pictured him as Buddy
    • Buddy has been to alot of Gem places. Now we know that even though humans can’t use warps they can still make it to Gem locations EDIT: let me clarify, Humans can’t use a warp without a Gem or a Gem object like the warp whistle. Greg used the warps in ‘House Guest ’ but only because Pearl gave him a warp whistle. And Sadie and Lars did with Steven being the one to warp them. They cant use a warp on their own 
    • The Strawberry Battlefield is around Norway/Sweden 


    • The Crystal Gems was adorable


    • When Steven and Connie came across ‘The Palanquin’ Steven said he didn’t know what it was, it looks alot like the thing Blue Diamond was in, in ‘The Answer’. I wonder why she left it on Earth? They showed it to us, it will porbably be important later. 


    • Rose had 7 Lions that look a lot like Stevens Lion


    And the best picture:


    Twitter: Emerald