Hey guys, we have some news on the much anticipated Beach City Con. Read below for the newest information from the event planners.
Good evening everybody~!
As we enter the final days of our Kickstarter campaign, it is looking like we won’t reach our stretch goal of $35,000 to bring Zach Callison and Grace Rolek to Beach City Con 2017. We always knew the goal was ambitious for our very first year, and while we are disappointed we won’t get to hang out with the voices of Steven and Connie, we have secured some other great guests already. McKenzie Atwood, an intern with Cartoon Network and meme’r extraordinaire, and Grace Kraft, a storyboard artist and one of the artists on the official Boom! Studios Steven Universe comic book series, will both be in attendance at the con next year. They will be joined by Judith and Natalie, accomplished Steven Universe fans in their own right, who will be our official face painters for Beach City Con 2017. And these wonderful ladies aren’t the only potential guests we’ve been in contact with, so stay tuned!
If you made an additional $100 pledge to purchase autographs from Zach and Grace, you can find instructions on how to change that here: https://www.kickstarter.com/help/faq/backer+questions#faq_63084. If you choose not to change your pledge, we will of course accept any of this additional money over the cost of your tier in the form of donation. Beach City Con is non-profit and will use that money to improve the convention experience for everyone.
Volunteer and Vendor applications are open. Individual registration codes for each donor have been set up. We will send instructions to those of you who have donated at the Quartz and Corundum tiers on how to access the early bird ticket window which begins November 1 at 12:00AM EST. Tickets will still be $65 + fees to those who donated at these levels.
On November 16 at 12:00 AM EST, tickets will go on sale to the public. This is also the date all Peridotite, Pearl, Steven, and Crystal Gem tier donors may begin to register their weekend passes. You will have until June 1, 2017 to register these passes free of charge. There will be no transfer fee assessed until registration is processed, so if you’re not sure if you can join us in 2017, there’s no harm in waiting to register your tickets. Once your weekend pass is registered, you will be assessed a $20 fee in the event transferring your ticket becomes necessary for you.
If your donation includes a weekend pass to the convention and you have not received a message on how to book your room at our venue, please let us know so we can get that information to you as soon as possible.
We are so excited for everything we have planned for Beach City Con 2017. We can’t wait to celebrate Steven Universe with everyone in October next year!
Thank you so much for being a part of this wonderful experience with us, Tara Lynne K-K Bracken Organizers, Beach City Con
Information taken from subscribed email update.