When Steven fast forwarded the tape player through Peridot's rant about Camp Pining Hearts, the Crewniverse left a secret message in when the recording is slowed down. That's right, the writers wrote in actual dialogue for Shelby Rabara to record, and left a message for fans to painstakingly decode. But there's more...
Apparently, the sound crew that finished up the episode added in some extra audio - which the original writers weren't aware of!
In the scene, the TV is obviously running - but it seems the writers didn't plan on any background audio being played behind the recording. Luckily, SU fans are all about analyzation and conspiracy theories, so they were able to track down what the background audio was and its origin. There's also apparently a REVERSED message from Peridot - so her recorded audio on the tape player goes even deeper.
there’s a 1970s pharmaceutical commericial overlaid on the audio from the rewind/fast-forward sound effects in the ‘log date’ su episode. it’s done at various speeds and even reversed sometimes. a google for some of the speech doesn’t turn up anything unique. maybe someone else can find something? i think aivisura were just playing around with nerds like me with too much time.
general notes:
- skipped until steven holds the recorder
- used audacity (free audio tool) for all this
- the audio clips are uploaded to clypit, check the links
1:47s: .25x
forward: a man’s voice. sounds like a commericial: “??? leading ethical pharmaceutical practice. we have reason-”
reverse: peridot: “I can’t believe i just did that. i’ve commited a crime on galactic levels!”
2:14s: .25x: nothing, but there’s def a voice in there, lets try slower
.125x: commercial guy: “as one of canada’s leading ethical pharmaceutical companies we have researched and developed products of the finest quality -speeds up here-”
3:21s: .25x: nothing, but there’s a voice in there, lets try slower
.125x: hmm, closer, but still fast. lets go slower
.062x: the first half is bassy, means there’s something at a faster speed. but the later half you hear: “today ??? that depends on our goals”
reversing at .0625x and .1x didnt yield any discernable voices
3:50s: .125x: commercial guy: “the well being of the nation. today ???” speeds up.
4:49s: nothing until .062x: commercial guy: “we are about to launch the first major anti-h??? since 197?. a product that will reaffirm our ?? rest of the market. a product with considerably significant ??”
5:04s: .062x: commercial guy: “?? depends on our goals to make the right move at the right time. we are about to launch the first major anti-”
5:39s: .062x: commercial guy: “?? depends on our goals to make the right move at the right time. we are about to launch the first major anti-”
6:46s: this is the hint lauren zuke gave on twitter.
.25x: peridot: her rant. a good trancript is at: http://crystalgems.tk/post/136936179821
but you can here some fast high pitched gibberish as well. this means there’s an even slower track overlaid on this audio so lets go slower.
.062x: that man again. it’s hard to get a clear transcript, but from what i can tell, it’s a mix of what we’ve found so far and it repeats every so often. his voice seems to enter the mix at around 20s and again at around 1:20s of this clip.
i put this clip through a strong high pass filter (hpf) at 500hz with a rolloff at 24db/8ve so peridot’s track can be removed/deemphasized to make the commercial guy clearer. hpfs block low sounds, so peridot’s slow bassy slurred voice is mostly removed using this effect.
6:59s: .062x: commercial guy: “?? depends on our goals to make the right move at the right time. we are about to launch-”
8:20s: .062x: commercial guy: “?? depends on our goals to make the right move at the right time. we are about to launch the first major anti-”
10:25s: 0.25x: two tracks each in diff directions here.
forward: commercial guy: “one of canada’s leading ethical-”
reverse: peridot: “i’ve commited a crime on galactic levels”
So what’s playing in the tapes is actually in some other things (and in every other instance, it was also sped up). Here’s the full transcript for part of it:
“As one of Canada’s leading ethical pharmaceutical companies, we have researched and developed products of the finest quality, to the well-being of Canadiens since 1954. Today, is no different. The success of Astra depends upon our ability to make the right moves at the right time.”
Earliest reference I can find to it is the Simpson’s game, and no other information about the rest of the audio clips.
Apparently it was in Red Dwarf (love love love) as well!
1287. Dejpivo: Hele, víš něco o tom, že v díle Já na druhou je ukrytá reklama na jednu kanadskou firmu? V části, kdy Lister přetáčí Rimmerovo video. Stačí si zpomalit ten zvuk a woala, reklama je na světě :) Tady je text: As one of Canada’s leading ethical pharmaceutical companies, we have researched and developed products of the finest quality, to the well-being of Canadiens since 1954. Today, is no different. The success of Astra depends upon our ability to make the right moves at the right time. Doufám, že jsem to objevil jako první ;)
Odpověď: No tak to vidíš. Experimenty s podprahovou reklamou v roce 1988. A teď to máme všichni zasazený v hlavě, aniž bychom s tím mohli cokoli dělat. Teda jestli nekecáš… Nemám zrovna možnost, jak bych si to ověřil, ale dobře. Jsi tak trochu podrazák, Dejpivo, ale když o něco jde, držíš slovo. Protentokrát ti budu věřit. I to prvenství ti asi budu muset přiznat.
Odpověď: No tak to vidíš. Experimenty s podprahovou reklamou v roce 1988. A teď to máme všichni zasazený v hlavě, aniž bychom s tím mohli cokoli dělat. Teda jestli nekecáš… Nemám zrovna možnost, jak bych si to ověřil, ale dobře. Jsi tak trochu podrazák, Dejpivo, ale když o něco jde, držíš slovo. Protentokrát ti budu věřit. I to prvenství ti asi budu muset přiznat.
Translation via google translate (A native Czech speaker could probably do a better job of this!)
Give 1287. Beer: Hey, you know something about it that I work on the other is hidden advertising for a Canadian company? In part, the scrolls Lister Rimmer’s video. Just slow down the sound and woala, advertising is the world :) Here’s the text: As one of Canada’s leading ethical pharmaceutical companies, we have researched and Developed products of the finest quality, to the wellbeing of the Canadiens since 1954. Today, is no different. The success of the Astra depends upon our ability to make the right moves at the right time. I hope that I discovered first;)
Answer: Well, you see it. Experiments with subliminal advertising in 1988. And now we are all embedded in the head without having it be able to do anything. So if nekecáš … I do not way I would have checked it out, but good. You’re a bit podrazák, Dejpivo, but when something goes, keep your word. For once, I will trust you. And this victory I guess I’ll have to admit.
Answer: Well, you see it. Experiments with subliminal advertising in 1988. And now we are all embedded in the head without having it be able to do anything. So if nekecáš … I do not way I would have checked it out, but good. You’re a bit podrazák, Dejpivo, but when something goes, keep your word. For once, I will trust you. And this victory I guess I’ll have to admit.
so it sounds like it’s a standard audio clip that sound engineers use whenever they need to add a fast forward or rewind effect. ever notice how the same audio clips get used in different shows sometimes? some i notice is the sound of wooden creeky doors opening and rats squeaking. they seem to be the same clip, even from old pc games like daggerfall (1996)!
i think what’s happening is either the tools sound engineers use have the same library of audio clips and effects and/or it’s become so common and prevalent in the sound engineering biz that it’s kind of a meme now, in a way.
Aside from that, fans on the Steven Universe Wiki have deciphered Peridot's message.
...using his pogo stick to save her. Not to mention Percy is adept at aquatic sports. He would have won the canoe race if he weren't so busy drooling over Paulette, and the other part where Percy goes to the bottom of the lake to get Paulette's friendship bracelet proves that he has the largest lung capacity in the entire camp! And Pierre is a force to be reckoned with on land, when he hung bunk seven's underwear in the tree, the whole--
There you have it! All the secrets decoded, even the ones some of the Crewniverse didn't know existed!
Twitter: Emerald