If there are multiple pearls and peridots on Homeworld, why not multiple Amethyst's? Check out some evidence about this fan theory, below the break! It's definitely interesting, so if you're not afraid of spoilers, check it out!
We know that there are 2 upcoming episodes that could involve the beta kindergarten, "Steven vs. Amethyst" and "the kindergarten kid"
One of those may be Amethyst's backstory, but the other may contain something important
There's a popular theory of there being another defective amethyst since there was another low hole in the kindergarten
And that brings us back to the episode where Steven and the cool kids find peridot's pod
In that episode, in some of the group pictures, they related the kids to the crystal gems
Buck Dewey= garnet
Sour cream= pearl
Jenny= amethyst
Just one thing... Jenny has a twin sister.
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