• Long Beach Comic Con Recap and Cosplay Compilation

    Little Ursa is back from Long Beach Comic Con! So how was the convention? Well, why don't we check it out? I promise that there are plenty of cosplays to enjoy!

    Long Beach Comic Con is a very fun comic convention based in, you guessed it, Long Beach, California. I went to report on anything and everything Steven Universe-related. But what would be here? Why cosplays of course! And, of course, I indulged myself and cosplayed as Steven with Lion!

    This is a great convention because it welcomes fans of comics, animation, voice acting, cosplay and just about anything else! It's a wonderful intimate convention, despite how intimidating it might look in the picture below.

    On Friday, I was cosplaying as Steven Universe and had Lion with me, and we had an absolute blast going around the convention, so let's see who we ran into!

    Lion and I did a lot for just one single day at the convention! I went back on Sunday as Panda from We Bare Bears and mostly just hunted for more Steven cosplayers. And there were plenty!

    If you happen to know any of the cosplayers, please comment so I can give them credit for their amazing work! That will do it for this convention recap! Do keep sending in your own cosplay photos so we can get them featured here!