Many fans have been wishing, and maybe they'll finally get it!jenhedgehog analyzes The New Crystal Gems to point out some possible foreshadowing that the crew may have left us.
In this episode, we see Lapis and Peridot working together to wash cars, using their hydrokinesis and ferrokinesis respectively.
This is the first time that we’ve ever seen their powers come together in this way - and it’s very effective!
Fusions bring together the weapons/abilities of the Gems that form them. We know that Lapis doesn’t have a weapon, and we’ve not seen any evidence that Peridot can draw a weapon of her own either. Could it be, then, that we’re seeing a glimpse of the Lapidot fusion’s ability in action here - namely, complete control over water and metal at the same time?
I think it’s entirely possible.
It’s also worth noting that this scene is yet another example of how in-sync Peridot and Lapis are with each other. We know that one of the keys to a successful and stable fusion is harmony, and these two have it in bucketloads.
Eventually, though, this harmony is shown to temporarily break down…
…and they fight over who should be “the Garnet”.
It’s interesting that both Peridot and Lapis want to be Garnet - who’s a fusion that is “made of love”. This seems very deliberate, and could therefore be foreshadowing that they themselves will also form a fusion that’s born out of pure love for each other, just like Ruby and Sapphire when they form Garnet.
There are already plenty of Lapidot/Rupphire parallels, and so this idea fits very nicely with these other parallels (which are discussed here:
I’m not suggesting that the Lapidot fusion will be a permanent thing like Garnet - however, she may well be very “near perfect” in appearance and look closer to Garnet than to, say, Malachite; a fusion who was born out of pure hatred:
The Lapidot fusion being a Garnet-style “loving” fusion would therefore also create an interesting parallel for Lapis, who would have then been part of one of the best types and one of the worst types of fusion.
It would also exemplify the strength of the bond - and the love - that the pair of them seem to share.
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