Looks like everybody's been getting some Sugar lately! Sorry, that pun was just too good to pass up. But really, with the release of the new album and the Save the Light game upcoming, creator Rebecca Sugar has been talking to a ton of new outlets about the show. It's so awesome for her to get the recognition that she (and the rest of the crew) deserves. So hey, if the show takes inspiration from other media, why not the new video game too? If you want to get even more hyped for the new SU game, check out the article below! It has a bunch of new info about the game!
Sugar: I love that Connie gets to fight with that sword a lot, and we don't get to show it that often in the show, but you know it's happening all the time. It's like, "Yes! It's finally a chance to see her fight with that sword!"
Steven Universe creator’s influences run from Zelda to Bubsy 3D
Twitter: Emerald