Garnet knew that Steven would listen to Peridot's logs. But what did she learn about Peridot herself when she looked into the future? Was there a timeline in which Peridot willingly fused with her the first time? Was there a timeline in which Peridot didn't lie to Yellow Diamond and fully betrayed the Crystal Gems? Check out Uncivilized Elk's theory about what Garnet might have seen, after the break!
Garnet knew that Steven would listen to Peridot's logs. But what did she learn about Peridot herself when she looked into the future? Was there a timeline in which Peridot willingly fused with her the first time? Was there a timeline in which Peridot didn't lie to Yellow Diamond and fully betrayed the Crystal Gems? Check out Uncivilized Elk's theory about what Garnet might have seen, after the break!