Just when it seemed SU fans had laid this theory to rest, it has resurfaced! Although this seems to be more of a recap of what we already know, rather than any additions to the theory. But hey, if anyone is still not convinced that Rose Quartz is not Pink Diamond, feel free to look at the evidence against it, below.
A common theory that was going for a very long time was that Rose was Pink Diamond. At the time it made a lot of sense (Anyone who’s been in the SU fandom for a while knows what I’m talking about) Until “Stevens Birthday Bomb” rolled around. Then we got to see not one, but THREE of the Diamonds.
Blue Diamond
Yellow Diamond
and even some of White Diamond
After seeing all of these Diamonds, many began to question the theory saying Rose was Pink Diamond. And I I’m here to talk about it today! Lets begin!
Roses Physical Appearance
The first thing that made many people start tho question the Rose is Pink Diamond theory is her physical appearance . Or, more specifically, her height.
Now, we can assume that all pearls are roughly the same height.
So this is our pearl next to Rose
And this is Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl next to their Diamonds
Now, some people may be saying “What if pink was just really small compared to the other Diamonds?” But giving what we know about Homeworld and the Diamonds, it wouldn’t make any sense to have one diamond half the size of the others.
Now, who is closer to the actual size of? Well, if old Peridot and Pearl are around the same size…..
On to my second point.
Her Gem
This is the point I’ve really wanted to bring up
Here is Blue and Yellows gems
And this what Roses gem looks like
Notice anything odd? While Blue and Yellows gems have a square/diamond shaped, Roses has a pentagon shaped center, with the outside being a circle.
Now, some maybe saying that Roses gem may just have a odd shape for a Diamond. But many seem to overlook this moment from When it Rains
Peridot: Yeah, you’re some kind of quartz, right? *The two stop walking* You must have been made here.
Remember, Peridot has spent almost her whole life on Homeworld, serving under the Diamonds. I’m positive she would be able to recognize what a Diamond gem would look like. But, instead, she refers to him as a quartz. This brings me to my final conclusion,
Rose wasn’t a Diamond, she was a quartz solider.
She was most likely a gem that served under PD, when she was around.
After all, her name is Rose Quartz.
Twitter: Emerald