We're back! The Stevens are floating and the beat dads are dropping! .... wait.
What better way to kick off the Summer Adventure than with a pair of episodes of what the Crewniverse does best... subtle character and world-building? We've got a while before the Rubies get back from Neptune. Let's kick back, relax, and watch Steven float.
Ahh, welcome back Crystal Gems! We've missed you! I love getting back from vacations. It's so nice getting back to your home where everything's comfy and familiar after being away.
"We have some catching up to do!" |
"Hellooo foo- AUGH" |
"I was out in the field saving the world!" "Wow, nice!" |
Steven it's ok, you already won! Besides, if you keep making that face it'll get stuck like that.
Steven Death Count: 1. Geez, chill out, man. Stop being so melodramatic!
"We started baking our own donuts after that workplace safety lawsuit got thrown out." |
"Fresh" |
Wow, Sadie. Y'know what? Forget the lawsuit. Anyone else suddenly hungry for donuts?
Oh hey, I had an alarm clock like that when I was a kid! Well, close enough.
Steven jumps like Mario!
And he lands like his mom! This may not be a coincidence...
"The captain has turned on the seatbelt sign. Looks like we've got some boys in the sky ahead of us." |
Ha ha, Pink Diamond airlines! ... wait, PINK DIAMOND AIRLINES!?
I've said it before, but...
The backgrounds on this show are so beautiful.
"Wait, can Steven fly? Yeah, I think I remember that." |
Ahh, this episode just feels like an older episode, y'know? It's good to see the Crystal Gems having time to be themselves. Garnet is calm and collected, Pearl is losing her mind, and Amethyst is just rollin' with it.
Garnet, stop tormenting the Pizza family!
Pow! Amethyst's got quite the arm!
Even when you're slowly falling out of the sky, Garnet does not play on easy mode.
You can take the bird out of the mom, but you can't take the mom out of bird mom.
Whenever someone asks you about Steven Universe, show them this picture. I think it just about sums everything up.
7:26 already? Wow, that half-hour flew by! Unless...
"... and Mayor Dewey will order a dozen. And then a dozen dozen for the whole town! And then a dozen dozen dozen..." |
This depiction of Mayor Dewey is probably more accurate than you'd think.
I hope that in my entire life I am never this sad. Poor boardies 😭
"And then they'll feed my donut to a dog!" |
... and yours, apparently! Steven Death Count: 2. Boy, that escalated quickly.
I mean, that really got outta hand fast!
At least we got a Shakespeare reference.
Oh c'mon Steven, lighten up! What are you screaming at?
"Yeah, but if he did have a jetpack, he could just put it on upside-down." |
"My floating power's tied to my emotions! Rrrrgh, right, just like all my stupid powers!" |
"The beach! No, that's where I'm going to die!" |
"Mom? Oh geez, those feelings are complicated..." |
That's a pretty picture of her though.
"I just need something that makes me happy! Something I can depend on to always cheer me up!" |
"He's used the memories of happy and sad things to land safely behind us, ready to give us a hug." |
♫♪♬♫ |
"I would've liked a hug." |
And from that day on, the passing Tumblesteven became a regular sight in Beach City.
Steven Death Count: 5
"Ohhh!" |
"Oh bother." |
What a great episode! It harks back to the old season 1days where Steven would discover a new power, it got a little out of hand, and then he and the Gems would find a way to deal with it. Good stuff!
But the fun's not over, because there were two episodes today!
"Whether they're lifting the heaviest equipment..." |
"...fighting off crazy fans..." |
"...or just offering moral support..." |
"...roadies work behind the scenes to make all magic onstage possible!" |
Yellowtail is carrying a briefcase of fish home. What can I say? The man loves his job. It probably hurts him to have Sour Cream dismiss his line of work so readily, but Yellowtail also belittles being a DJ, so I guess their distaste is mutual.
"Wait! Don't leave! Waxing is free!" |
Marty's back!? Ok I guess from the episode title I should've seen it coming, but this caught me by surprise.
"I'll protect you, dad!" "Eh, don't worry. I got a hose." |
Yeah, this is probably the proper response when a wild Marty approaches. Heck, it's way better than the greeting he probably would've gotten from Vidalia...
"Woof! Just look at you! When did you get so tall?" "Uh, like nine years ago?" |
So I guess Marty doesn't have a last name. Or the ability to spell "promoter." Unless he was trying to make a pun, in which case his pun sucks too. Boo-oo!
"I mean, what is this, a concert for ants?" |
"You wanna squeeze 'em until their eyes pop out!" |
Steven Death Count: ... 6? Marty, you ok buddy?
"...and, Real Talk? I was a jerk. But Real Talk, I've learned a lot about myself and the music business since then." |
I mean wow, that's a sweet billboard. And he had the whole thing designed and made in only a couple of hours! Maybe Marty has changed!
Aw, wow, and he made Steven an official roadie, like he always wanted! Marty's seeming like a pretty cool guy now! Maybe I was quick to judge him. People can change!
"Geez! What does Greg feed that kid?" |
Good to see that that boat survived Steven dropping it last episode.
15 people! Not bad for Beach City. Also a 1500% improvement over the turnout of the last Beach City beach event Marty organized.
Oh hey, that's Ian Jones-Quartey standing next to Kiki! I guess now that he's retired from the show, he can visit Beach City anytime he wants!
"Don't mind me, folks. Just a humble roadie doing a mic check! ... This mic looks great!" |
Awwwww, so Marty hasn't changed much after all. Now he's just the human equivalent of a pop-up ad. It was too good to be true!
"The world's first guacamole soda! Each can comes with the power of three whole avocados!" |
I... I like guacamole. I might actually try this soda.
Boom! And Ronaldo goes down!
Ugh, the two words you never want to see on any drink: "from concentrate." Ok, maybe I won't try this. Still, it could be good on chips?
And of course Onion likes it. To him, it probably tastes like the tears of everyone else here.
DADA MAD AH! You get 'im Yellowtail! Show Marty who's the real dad here!
Wait, is he... dead? Marty killed Ian Jones-Quartey! NOOOOOOOO!
Update: Phew!
"I need this Guacola deal, okay? Don't be selfish!" |
"Muh! Muh muh muh! Muh muh muh muh muh! Muh muh muh, muh muh!" |
Yellowtail to the rescue! Please be good, please be good...
"Thanks, Yellowdad." |
I love this show's heart. This scene might be the start of a lot of healing around the Onion household.
Now that's an entrance!
"Even if he doesn't make it big, Sour Cream will be okay. As long as he's doing something that makes him happy." |
And it did all work out in the end. Marty even gave Greg a check for... A BILLION DOLLARS!? Wait, $10 million. I was close! There are 9 zeroes.
Welp, I guess we can all guess what Mr. Greg is going to be about...